Lots of folks choose debt consolidation if they have a wide range of creditors and obligations. With debt consolidation, each creditor will be paid. You must learn some things before using this service.
Before getting into debt consolidation, look at your credit report. You first have to know where your debt came from before you fix it. See how much debt you have and whom money is owed to. It will be hard to create a budget if you don’t know where your money has been
Are the counselors at your debt consolidation company fully certified? Is there are certain organization that they are certified through? Do they have a legitimate reputation that you can count on? This is the best way to determine whether or not you should deal with a company.
Use a long-term perspective when choosing your debt consolidation firm. You want to fix your current issues, but you need to know whether a company can work with you as time goes on, as well. Some might help you to reduce risks and prepare for the future so you can avoid getting into trouble again.
Consider applying for a low interest credit card in order to consolidate debts. This will reduce the number of payments you have and reduce the amount of interest you are paying. If you consolidate things onto a card with an introductory low interest rate, then pay it off before that low rate expires.
If you’re a homeowner, consider refinancing your house and using the cash to pay off your debt. Mortgage rates have been low lately, and that means now would be a great time if you’d like to consolidate the debts you have this way. In addition, you may actually get a lower mortgage payment than your original payment.
Try to use a loan to clear off the debts that you have. You may be surprised to learn that the average creditor will settle for far less than you owe, and sometimes that amount is as low as 65%. Not only does this not hurt your credit score, it might even boost it!
Be aware that a consolidated loan has no effect on your credit score. Some debt reduction plans harm your credit, but the main effect is to reduce your high interest rates and combine your obligations into one. It’s something that’s powerful if you’re able to make your payments on time.
You may be able to pay off your high interest credit cards by drawing some money from your 401K or retirement fund. Do not consider this unless you know for sure you can pay back the amount withdrawn. If it is not, taxes and penalties may make this decision more costly than you thought.
If you cannot borrow money from anywhere else, a family member or a friend may be willing to help you out. Let them know how much interest you can afford, when you can pay and how much at a time, and then do it. You don’t want to drive your loved one away.
When you’re dealing with a debt consolidation agency, you’ll want to ask if the counselors are certified. Research the NFCC to find qualified firms. That way, you can be more secure that you are doing the right thing and dealing with the right people.
Debt consolidators need to use personalized methods. If you notice that the counselors do not ask you specific questions about your financial situations and want you to quickly sign up with them, avoid them. Reputable debt counselors work with you and come up with a personalized plan.
If it seems you can never get a handle on your bills, you may need to look into debt consolidation. Use these tips to rebuild your finances properly. This will help you to avoid more debt in the future.